Frequently asked questions

Have additional questions or requests that can help you create better promotions?
Contact us at

  1. What is illverse?

    We're a music promotion and discovery platform for artists, fans and promoters. With our promotional tools, artist growth is easy, engaging and insightful. We're helping artists grow their core fanbase and expand their reach globally.

  2. How do I promote a song?

    Create an account on illverse, post a song and begin using our promotional tools to grow your audience.

  3. Do I need a soundcloud or youtube link to post a song?

    All you need are artwork + song info to promote a song. Our services are designed to help you promote your songs on other services using our platform. No need to have separate links for each music service.

  4. What is a fanlink?

    Fanlinks are SINGLE links that provide access to your music on different streaming services and stores. No need to share separate links for spotify, soundcloud, apple music, and many more. Just use a single illverse link, get detail analytics and insights on which services your fans use the most.

  5. What is a socialkey?

    Social keys are free downloads for fans in exchange for a like, retweet and following on your social and streaming accounts.

  6. Why should I make my song public?

    If you want your music to be streamed by the illverse community, we encourage you to make it public. We currently support soundcloud and youtube for streaming on illverse. This increases your views and streams on those services as well. Private songs can still be promoted, just not available publicly to the illverse community.

  7. I'm just a fan, what can I do?

    We're a community for music discovery too, as a fan you can follow your favorite artist, discover new artists and songs across multiple genres.
    Also post a song from your favorite artist that you want to share with the community. We don't support posting or uploading copyrighted material, thank you.